HomeEnrolmentsLaptop Program

As the demands placed upon 21st century learners continue to evolve, so too does the need to support their learning and build upon the traditional core subject areas.

Unlike previous generations, 21st century learners will need to be able to effectively apply ICT in any situation, as these technologies are an integral part of the contemporary worlds of work, communication and leisure.

The skills they will need to develop will include:

  • problem solving and decision-making
  • creative and critical thinking
  • collaboration, communication, and negotiation
  • the ability to find, select, structure, and evaluate information.

We aim to prepare our students for life-long learning in today’s technology-reliant society. This learning will occur in a context that promotes positive and safe experiences in the use of ICT.

For further information please refer to the downloads below:


KDC-Digital-Learning-Bring-your-own-device-BYOD-Updated 1 May24